Harun al-Rashid set out for Tus, but when he got as far as Hulwan, he started having heart palpitations. His doctor ordered him to dine on heart of palm, and so he called upon the dehqan of the place and asked for some. The dehqan informed him that no palm trees grew in that area, but that along the mountain pass there stood two palms. "Give the order, and we'll cut one down for you." And it was done.
The palm's heart was brought to al-Rashid, who felt better as soon as he ate it. But when he [resumed his journey, and] reached the mountain pass, he saw the palms, one chopped down and the other standing. And on the upright palm were written these lines (meter: khafīf):
To my aid in bitter times I call
the two palms of Hulwan to weep with me.
I call on you and warn you
of the evil fate to come and separate you.
This pained al-Rashid. "I am ashamed to be the instrument of that fate," he said. "If I had only heard this poem, I wouldn't have cut this palm. I would have died before letting this happen."
When [Harun al-Rashid's father, the Caliph] al-Mahdi traveled the pass of Hulwan, he was so enchanted with the place that he stopped for a picnic. He called to Hasanah: "See how nice this is? Sing my life away for me, while I drink a few tumblers of wine." Hasanah took the body brush she was holding and thumped it against a cushion as she sang (meter: ṭawīl):
Two palms of Wadi Buwanah, I hail thee
while the grove-keeper is careless of your enclosure!
"Brava!" he said. "I was thinking of having them cut down"—meaning the two palms of Hulwan—"but your song stays my hand."
"God forbid!" cried Hasanah. "May God protect me from the Commander of the Faithful, if you are ever the instrument of their evil fate!"
"What fate is that?" the Caliph asked, and she began to sing the verses of Muti‘ ibn Iyas. When she got to the verse:
I call on you and warn you
of the evil fate to come and separate you
he said, "Brava! By God, your words have put me on notice. I will never cut these two down. In fact, I'll appoint a keeper, to tend and water them both as long as I shall live." He gave the order for this on the spot, and for the rest of al-Mahdi's life the decree was carried out.
From the Book of Songs