The finesse of Abū ‘Āmir al-Jurjānī is of a kind recognized by nomads and settled folk alike. How truly did the imam ‘Abd al-Qāhir al-Jurjānī put it into words when he described him (meter: hazaj):
If serious brilliance of appearance is what you wish for,
and you complain your access to joy is barred,
when desolation won't release you from its shadows,
and you would clear the torpor from your inner eyes,
confer with him whose flint throws inspiration,
and in the keenness of his discernment you'll find the spark
and all the perspicacity that you sought.
His [guidance] suffices, and you won't reject it,
nor complain of his answer.
On the contrary! Betake yourself to him and you'll find success
in al-Faḍl ibn Ismā‘īl, and be left wishing for no other man.
From The Statue of the Palace of al-Bākharzī